
Group: DynoMotion Message: 9493 From: davidthreatte Date: 5/12/2014
Subject: Motor Heating
I have a machine that came with kmotion software.  I didn't make the controller myself, so I am a newbe to servo motors.
I have a servo motor running a rotary encoder.  It generally runs fine, but has a slight alignment issue.  Occasionally when it reaches a location, the motor will gradually heat up.  When I dial indicate the axis, it is well within the tolerance that I need, but I assume the motor may be not quite at its final destination, and applying power to get to its exact location.
Ideally I will be able to fix the alignment problem, but is there a way to increase the acceptable error so the motor doesn't keep trying to get to that last fraction?
I'd appreciate any help or advice, and if anyone thinks I am way off the mark, let me know.
Group: DynoMotion Message: 9494 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 5/12/2014
Subject: Re: Motor Heating
Hi David,

What type of amplifiers do you have?

You might run KMotion.exe and use the Step Response Screen to do a move and see if you can capture the condition to plot exactly what is happening.


Group: DynoMotion Message: 9495 From: davidthreatte Date: 5/12/2014
Subject: Re: Motor Heating
Not sure what kind of amplifiers they are using.  It came from K2 cnc.  The step response plotting is a bit over my head right now, so I guess I've got some studying to do.  I was hoping there might be a simpler fix like adjusting an error parameter. 
I'll post again when I have a better understanding of what is going on. 
Thanks for the reply!